GOES-R Series Multimedia Tour
Guided Tour of GOES-R
How does the ABI work?
The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) is a sensor on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R) that provides imagery in visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared bands. It has a nominal resolution of 1.5 km per pixel.
- Full Disk: Hemispheric Coverage of 83° local zenith angle, temporal resolution of 5-15 minutes, and spatial resolution of 0.5 to 2km
- Mesoscale: Provides coverage over a 1000x1000km box with a temporal resolution of 30 seconds, and spatial resolution of 0.5 to 2km.
- Continental US/Pacific US: The CONUS and PACUS scans are performed every five minutes, providing coverage of the 5000km (east/west) and 3000km (north/south) rectangle over the continental United States (GOES-16) or the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii (GOES-17). The spatial resolution is 0.5 to 2km.
- Flex Modes: The flex modes provide a full disk scan every 10 minutes (mode 6) or every 15 minutes (mode 3), a CONUS/PACUS every five minutes, and two mesoscale domains every 60 seconds (or one sub-region every 30 seconds).